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The Importance and Benefits of Training in Corporate World!
Amit Kataria
Training, an indispensible part of the corporate world, brings with itself great benefits. Training is directly linked to the achievements of a business. More precisely, it leads to the betterment of employees as it focuses on their growth and skill enhancement. It is also believed that training is often as important as a good compensation is.
It is crucial for businesses to give importance to the training bit as it means two triumphs in one go – corporate growth and employee motivation. And these are just two broad sides of it. Training has several other related pros that make it an important element of expanding organizations.
Growth of a company, through training, happens when the staff is given exposure to varied skill sets. All corporate training programmes have a practical element where attendees are encouraged to apply learnt skills in real life problems. Other than theoretical content, trainings usually focus on two areas – hands-on classroom experience and practical implementation of knowledge gained.
While hands-on experience is about dealing with real life scenarios in the classroom itself, practical implementation means actually applying solutions in real work environment. An apt example of hands-on experience is role play where learners are made to behave as if it were real. In such cases, trainers assign imaginary characters to the participants, present them with made-up situations and ask them to act the way they would in actual life by using the learnt concepts.
By knowing this, it does not just mean that training a vital ingredient anyway. It is also imperative to ensure that the quality of training is high standard. An inexpensive, low quality training would mean poor standard work which would not do any good. It is thus always wise to spend some extra bucks once and get the benefits for it on a continued basis.
Something more we all need to remember is that training is not just about an improvement in work-related skills, it is also about imparting knowledge pertaining to interpersonal skills and communication. Pleasing personality and great interaction skills are a definite factor in catching the eyes of important people in the organizations. So all corporations should offer both types of training – soft skills and core work related.
While core training gets you easily identifiable pros, such as more sales, higher productivity etc., soft skills training prepares employees for the neglected but very critical aspects. With soft skills training, employees learn how to interact better, resolve conflicts, manage time effectively and build strong teams.
Employee retention is another automated advantage of training. The best way to keep the staff happy and satisfied is by investing in their growth as it makes them realize their importance in the company. When employees think that the company values them, that sentiment will go into whatever they are designing, selling, manufacturing etc. And by far that\’s going to get success to the business.
Training is a separate department in a lot of organizations these days as professionals have realized its importance in the competitive world. Be it any programme – communication skills, computer basics,
Project Management training
, business writing techniques etc, it is vital that all of them are made qualitative and hence effective.
Amit Kataria, the writer of this article, has done a remarkable job till now. Including the above piece, he has written several other knowledgeable articles and will be continuing the same. He is professionally a video editor at Koenig Solutions and writing is his one of his several hobbies. Coming to Koenig, it is the world\’s # 1 offshore
IT training
service provider that offers choices of more than 100 certifications.
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