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Submitted by: Shannon Hiebert
Whether you know it or not, almost everyone is part of the solar society.
To what extent? That depends.
Vacationers flock to the beaches to soak up the vitamin D. The warmth. Relaxation.
Home owners around the world look to the sun for sources of heat and electricity.
Agriculture producers rely on solar energy for productive harvests.
Life as we know it is changing. People in every country, in every demographic are beginning to realize that the time has come to stop taking our resources for granted.
30 years ago researchers began making”global warming” noises. Did we listen? Sure we did. Did we hear? Doesn’t look like it.
If we had heard and heeded, here’s what could be happening;
-every vehicle would get 50 miles to the gallon. Minimum.
-engine designers would be rewarded for maximizing efficiency, gas guzzlers would have gone the way of the dinosaur.
-customized add ons for cars and trucks would be electric conversion kits, not chrome packages.
-airlines would only be flying if flights were full, and with a clean fuel source.
-governments would be rewarding home owners with large tax rebates for installing Eco-friendly solar heating systems.
-solar for your home would be a part of the blueprints, integrated into the basic designs.
-all power suppliers would be producing at least 20 percent of their electricity from solar or wind.
-companies would offer owners, interested in solar for their homes, a variety of heating and cooling systems, with as much choice and as easily as counter tops.
-solar for your home would be the standard.
-huge oil companies and world supply and demand for fossil fuels would have ceased to drive economy fluctuations.
-you could make eco-friendly decisions based on availability not finances.
-companies would be driven to develop more renewable resource solutions for everything from agriculture to home construction.
With information literally available at your fingertips, there is no longer any excuse for ignorance in regards to climate change issues. Everyone has to get over their “it won’t happen in my lifetime” attitude. Even if everything you have read and heard is blown out of proportion, even if our planet is just going through a normal resetting process, don’t you want to save money? Wouldn’t you like to have more cash in your stash? Solar for your home could be the beginning. Vehicle efficiency, another money saver for you. Wind power, why not get in on the ground floor?
If you don’t make energy alternatives a strong part of the “demand” in the economy, there will be no initiative for the suppliers to create the “supply”.
Websites from all over the world are dedicated to solar for your home. Youcandostuff.com is such a site. Their economical, practical ideas, from a “regular Joe” point of view, are featured on every page. Solar For Your Home
products for all budgets and skill levels have been made easily available.
“Times are a changin.'” Shouldn’t we?
About the Author: Shannon & Leo Hiebert Have been trying to get off the grid in Northern Canada For over a fews years. If you would like to learn to be more self sufficient and depend less on the availability of professionals for simple projects, have a look around.People everywhere are really beginning to take solar and wind energy technologies seriously. Not just the big companies with the big budgets, but the regular, working, people They want equipment that is easy to set up. Built by manufacturers that won’t disappear about the same time the guarantee runs out.That’s where You Can Do Stuff can help with Solar for your home We’ve looked for the same solutions you have: Cut costs, Capture Free Energy, Create a Feasible Alternative to Power Company Dependency.
“>SolarForYourHome.Youcandostuff Shannon Hiebert07/03/2011
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