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Early Pregnancy Symptom
Kelan GradyPregnancy calls for one of the most beautiful phase in a woman’s life being accompanied by each early pregnancy symptom. These pregnancy symptoms have always been a source of joy as well as often anxieties. Many women are unaware of early pregnancy symptoms and what development each symptom indicates. Moreover, to start planning for a family with your new baby, you must be knowledgeable about pregnancy symptoms and to what extent they are normal.
Missed periods – many women feel tizzy and anxious when periods have crossed due dates. Missed period, according to the most of the individuals and pregnant women is a prominent indication of pregnancy. However, a missed period may follow other factors as well, such as certain medications or side effects of medical treatments, stress etc. Therefore, consult your doctor immediately when your period is overdue whether it is an early pregnancy symptom or not.
Spider Veins – Appearance or the veins surrounding chest and upper arms getting prominent is one of the very unusual early pregnancy symptoms. This is one symptom what most women hate and fret over. However, doctors suggest there is nothing to get apprehended about the spider veins as it simply results from an increased blood flow in the body and then being carried over to different vital areas of the body.
Nausea or vomiting is one early pregnancy symptom that appears in the very early stages of the pregnancy. This is also known more popularly as morning sickness. There are instances when this early pregnancy symptom occurred so early that the women could not realize it and thought that this is happening because of the food poisoning or cold effect. Nausea happens because the ability of sensing the smell and taste of the pregnant women gets increased and she can feel the sensation of nausea even with the smell of tea and coffee.
Frequent urination and breast tenderness are also early pregnancy symptoms, frequent urination usually occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Unlike normal situations, you find yourself running to the toilet more often and there is not respite at night also. It is common complaints of women to their doctors that their breasts and nipples are becoming extremely tender and the nipples are enlarging.
Tender Breasts – If after a few days you start noticing pain in breast along with a little swelling and tenderness, you must consider this as one of the strongest early pregnancy symptoms. Some may observe their veins surrounding chest areas seem highly visible and the areola tend to become darker in color along with tender breasts.
Apparently, this very early pregnancy symptom – cramping gives no reason to be apprehensive about, rather gives positive indication of successful conceiving, instead. Doctors suggest women who are anticipating pregnancy to look for this symptom to arrive. However, cramps felt during the normal menstruation resembles cramping sensation felt at the onset of pregnancy, therefore, some women find it difficult to detect pregnancy through this symptom.Read about study programs abroad. Also read about web design career and ornithology
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