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Botox: Reasons to Use a Reputable Center for Treatment
Abigail Aaronson
Botox is a popular way to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, but it can be costly, too. Considering that it usually lasts less than a year, you should be aware that you will have to save up for repeat procedures if you like the new look and wish to keep it for long. Thus, you may be thinking about saving money by going with a person who makes house calls with this beauty product, as such people are usually cheaper. However, you should consider the risks before opting for this type of treatment.
While having someone come to your home may sound comfortable and convenient, know that the average house is not prepared for a medical emergency. If something goes wrong with the injection, you want access to doctors, medication, and sterile tools so that you do not get an infection.
Though Botox is usually virtually risk-free, this is only true when you get it injected by a qualified person, not just anyone. Otherwise, you run the risk of it getting injected in the wrong area of your face, or getting the wrong amount put in. Not only can this be dangerous to your health, but it can permanently disfigure you, especially if you do not get help fast.
In addition, you could run into problems with insurance if there is an issue. When you get Botox done at a qualified center, their insurance will likely cover any issues so that you do not have to pay. The worst case scenario is that your medical coverage will kick in for medical problems.
However, a person making house calls with this type of injection is unlikely to have insurance coverage, which means that you will have to be responsible for anything that goes wrong. In addition, your own insurance may not even cover related problems since you did not have a qualified person injecting the substance. Look over your policy or talk to your agent first to find out whether you would be covered under these circumstances.
Finally, trusting just anyone with your health is not advised, but neither is trusting them with your money. Going to a center with employees who have experience giving Botox is typically considered safe because you get a receipt for your payment, and if the visit does not go well, you either get your funds back or you can complain to the manager.
If nothing else, at least you can complain about the company to potential customers and local organizations. However, when you hire a no-name person to come to your house, you have no recourse. The transaction is probably cash, and you are probably not given a receipt, nor do they have a business with a reputation to uphold. Thus, you could very easily get taken advantage of this way.
Before you decide to save money on Botox, consider these risks. It is always best to find a reputable center with employees trained in offering this treatment. This way, you will get the best results for your money.
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