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Submitted by: Tony Lu
Many people make recreational use of hot tub style spas from within their homes. Just like with any type of hardware certain problems arise. Sometimes the tub seems to drain all by itself. People wonder why is my spa draining and how should I fix it? This is a very common problem that people experience from their spas and it is sometimes easy to fix.
The popularity of the home spa has been growing ever since such units were introduced at price ranges that most average consumers could afford. There are a large number of reasons that a person would want to install a home spa. The most obvious reason would be for personal use. Many people like to use these wonderful devices to entertain house guests as well.
People that start to realize unnecessary draining start to ask the question: “Why is my spa draining and how should I fix it?” When a spa seems to magically drain on it’s own the problem is obviously some type of leak. There are many parts of the tub’s hardware that could be the source. This is why it’s important to learn about several popular ones and how to fix any type of leak that might occur within them.
A popular part of the spa that could be the source of a leak is called the pump seal. The pump within your spa is the part of the spa that pumps the warm water through through out the rest of the unit. This causes the unit’s jets to run. As you might be able to imagine there is an area on the pump where some type of plumbing is connected. This opening is protected by a seal that might be leaking.
Another popular part of your spa’s hardware that might be causing it to leak water could be the unit’s plumbing. Since warm water is pumped around the unit to at least several jets you might have guessed that there is some type of water plumbing pipe system installed into the tub. Tubs that have more jets usually have a lot more plumbing to deal with so you’ll have to be extensive when checking for leaks.
Another part of the spa that could be causing water to leak is the shell that creates the actual tub unit. There are sometimes many people entering and exiting a hot tub. A person might accidentally cause some type of crack within the shell’s surface. Also keep in mind that some cheaper tubs might have a shell that is made of materials that do not effectively survive the outdoor elements.
Fixing any type of spa leak is usually not to difficult to accomplish. To prevent damage or voiding any warranties you might want to call a professional service. If the pump seal is leaking it is best to just replace the seal instead of trying to fix it. If the shell is the source of the leak it is sometimes more cost effective to simply patch it up.
Why is my spa draining and how should I fix it? This is a question that you should now have a very effective answer for. Even if you’re calling in a professional you could always take a peek at the hardware yourself so you can know the source of the leak ahead of time and know what costs you might be dealing with. Many services might give you a surprisingly low quote or if your real handy with plumbing, you might want to take a crack at it for yourself.
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