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Fossil Fuels are the non-renewable, natural resources of immeasurable importance to the mankind. The rapid consumption of the fossil fuels has been a rising concern for most global leaders. In order to combat this current situation, scientific advancements are shifting towards alternative forms of energy. Home Solar Panels are an important invention in this regard.
The concept of panels for home has been surfacing for quite some time now. After proving its mettle in various commercial set ups and governmental projects across the world, panels have made a splash into the residential sector. Moving on, they are being widely used for residential use in various parts of the world. In US, solar panels for home are specifically designed and installed by a team of experts to ensure optimum performance in home appliances and electronics.
They are different than their commercial counterparts. They are less rugged and are meant for limited generation of electricity and heating purpose in home. The solar panels for home work on the principle of energy conversion. The home solar panels for home in India convert the energy from sun into electric and in some cases, heat energy. These started off as a big hit in the USA and have slowly made positive in-roads in the Indian domestic market. There are special solar panels for your home which are now easily installable and don’t cost you a fortune.
Earlier, they were considered a distant dream with the heavy purchase price stamped on them. But now the magical, elusive solar panel for your home was an achievable commodity. With more sophisticated technology, government intervention, subsidized rates and reduction in taxes, you can now buy solar panels for your home in India at an affordable rate.
The panel for homes in India is designed along the same lines as the western countries. Already within a short span of time, hundreds of solar panel for homes in India has been installed till date.
To popularize and aid in the sale in India, the Indian government has taken the initiative to introduce the less expensive variety in the domestic market. The panels for home in India are specially installed at roof tops and terraces and are placed to capture the slanting rays of sun to absorb and convert sun’s energy into a more usable form. Through these, the sunlight is converted into electric energy which is used in running home appliances and also into heat energy for other purposes.
The use of panels for home in India is no longer a costly affair but is an environment-friendly step towards the conservation of our non-renewable resources. Their use for your home in India is an important way of the protection of our fossil fuels and saving them for our future generations. As it is said, “We don’t conserve natural resources for our future generations, we only borrow from them.”
Justin is a researcher on solar panel cost in India and has been exploring the opportunities for the use of solar panels for domestic purposes.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/news-society-articles/energy-articles/solar-panels-your-homes-india-192700.html
Author: Justinbaker Jr