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By Barbara Holbrook
For most of us, our body has many the impurities that build up from the artificial products contained in so much of our food. Following a detoxification program is a great way to maintain a healthy body. There are many detox plans to choose from, however using herbs is a method that is recommended by some because it is all natural. Why use a chemical to remove chemicals from your body? Herbs seem like a more logical choice.
There are many herbs that one can used to detox, and many are even gentle enough to use on a daily basis. Every body reacts a little differently, so dont assume that what works for your friend will work for you. Its usually best to talk to a professional herbalist for tips before starting a home detox program.
Here are some of the most popular herbs commonly used for detoxification:
Burdock this is one of the faster detox herbs that can be found out there. Burdock is an herb that helps clean up the metals in your system so that you can be cleansed of unwanted toxins. Make sure that you have consulted a doctor before using this herb, however, because there are possibilities of immune system damage in the future.
Nettles this is commonly seen in swamps, but they also have a lot of detoxifying qualities. Nettles are herbs for detox that will surely clean up your urinary system.
Dandelions although this might sound strange to most people, it is a little known fact that dandelions are actually high in antioxidants and have properties that will let you keep your liver clean and healthy.
Milk thistle seed this is a great herb for detox. This is meant for improving liver function as well as being able to stimulate protein synthesis. Milk thistle is a protector of the liver, and it can detoxify you from a wide range of many different contaminants that are dangerous to the body.
Psyllium this is actually a seed, but is considered to be one of the herbs for detox systems that are commonly used. This is the seed of the Fleawort plant, and it becomes mucilaginous. It can thoroughly cleanse the colon; hence, making it popular among dieters and those who wish to be able to cleanse their colons. This seed basically scrubs the digestive system, leaving you spic and span on the inside. This is all through its capabilities to absorb the water and to expand.
There may be many reasons why you would want to detoxify your body, but there are also a lot of ways to do so. These herbs are powerful enough to be able to do what other kinds of medications can do, and this is why home herbs for detox are becoming more and more popular today.
If you want to be healthier, then you need to follow a detoxification program for your body regularly. Herbs that are helpful in cleaning out the body and restoring optimal bodily functions are a good place to start. However, know that you should always talk to your doctor before beginning any home detox program. Many of these herbs are very powerful and can have negative interactions with prescription medications — even in very small doses. You’ve already decided to do something good for your health, a professional can ensure that you do so safely.
About the Author: Think it’s time to
detox your body
? Learn how to follow a
raw food detox diet
at healthy-journey.com.
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